Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  August 31, +26
Peaches Reference:  Snow Princess +0 Size Brix
13G368 WPF +14 Good crop, nice shape, large, ex.color, nice cavity. 18's ± 15-16 2nd Look
65M505 YPCSA +18 Outstanding color, firmness, flavor and shape. 18's ± 18  
67P188 WPF +20 Giant size, firm, sweet, oblong - very small tree . 18's 18 baby tree
48P606 WPF +20 JD.  Large size, firm, nice shape, ok color. 18-16 15 KO Comm
48P664 WPF +20 Heavy crop, firm, nice color, large cavity, great flavor. 18's ± 17  
Nectarines Reference:  August Bright +10  Giant Pearl +12 August Fire +18
62P215 YNCSA +10 Nice size, sweet, young tree. 42-48 21 2nd Look
Aug.Fire YNC +17 August Fire.  Giant size, firm, outstanding color, weak tree, good flavor, medium crop only. 42's ± 15  
47P130 WNC +17 Good size, color, firmness and flavor - slight corking. 48's 18-20  
55P278 WNC +20 Ex.color, firmness, flavor, and crop - small this year. 56's 21  
6P217 WNC +20 Heavy crop, firm, good size, medium color, slight corking. 42's 18  
27P472 YNC +22 August Red.  Very heavy crop, good size, only average color, good flavor, shape, and firmness. 48-56 15  
66M1132 WNC +25 Very nice shape, large, firm, weak color. 48's 17 baby tree
26P490 YNC +30 September Bright.  Preview - no sample.      
9P89 YNC +37 Autumn Bright.  Preview - no sample.