Location:  Kingsburg Orchard Test Block
DATE:  June 30, 2020  -24 Reference:  
12 R7 T88 60P534 WNC -18 Preview:  Good flavor, nice red color with light freckles, large size, variable ripening. 3 1/4 83 18
15 R7 T84 66M53 WPC -37
-28 ?
3rd Look:  No thinning, nice size, good flavor, firm.  VERY LARGE - THE BEST FOR THE TIME PERIOD before Pearl Princess and after.  Spectacular again!! 4    102 18
DATE:  July 1, 2020  -29 Reference:  Pearl Princess WPF -36 
Nectarines & Peaches
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
2017 R6 T37 66P610 WNC -42 2nd Look.  Large, clean, dark red, flat nose, excellent flavor, extremely firm - starts 4 days before Flavor Pearl but lasts longer - great last year. 3 1/8 79 18-21
2012 R7 T79 31C758 WNC -36 Flavor Pearl:  Firm, heavy crop, nice color, light freckles, very good flavor. 3 1/8 79 20
2016 R7 T116 68P1022 WNC -36 Balanced flavor, large, firm, full red with light freckles. 3 1/4 83 17
NEW 64P496 WNF -30 Very heavy crop, dark red with freckles, ROCK, great flavor. 3 76 20
2015 R5 T87 66M53 WPC -38 3rd Look:  Large, nice color and shape, medium firm and flavor - nice at KO.  VERY LARGE, best peach before Pearl Princess. 3 5/8 92 15
2019 R4 T166 6C89 WPF -36 Spherical shape, very dark red color, tight cavity,  3 1/4 83 15
Comm R5 T56 34P249 WPF -36 Pearl Princess:  Heavy crop, medium size, firm, good flavor. 3 1/4 83 17
2016 R7 T117 67P1122 YNC -36 Excellent nectarine flavor, firm, large size, only medium crop. 3 1/8 79 14
NEW 36M926 YNC -36 Clean, nice color,  3 1/8 79 17
FT R5 T103 67M10 YNCSA mLC -36 Firm, clean, excellent color, nice flavor. 3 1/8 79 17
2017 R5 T68 31C247 YNC mLC -34 Firm, very dark red, excellent flavor. 3 1/4 83 16
NEW 68P1024 YNCSA -32 Firm, nice color, ok sub-acid flavor. 3 1/8 79 14
2015 R5 T97 2C547 YNCSA -28 Heavy crop, medium color 3 1/8 79 16
NEW 37M955 YPC -38 2nd Look:  Dark red, firm, great shape, young graft. 3  1/4 83 17
NEW 67P948 YPF -38 Very heavy crop, medium size,  3  1/8 79 13
2012 R7 T85 2P73 YPC -34 Red Princess.  Heavy crop, medium size, good peach flavor. 3      76 14
2014 R6 T48 17A1174 YPCSA -32 Very heavy crop, firm, medium color, mild flavor. 3  1/8 79 16