Jon Quisenberry quizzle82@yahoo.com
Location:  Kingsburg Orchard Test Block
DATE:  July 20, 2021  -6 Reference:  Red Phoenix RG/R -10 Majestic Pearl WN -14
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
18 R3 T19 7C901 WNC -5 2nd Look.  Heavy crop, good flavor, v. firm, nice full color, great shape, heavy bud cutting advanced it, but still should be 1 week after Majestic Pearl.  Still a few days from first picking. 3  1/4 83 16
17 R7 T110 33M975 WNC -10 Excellent flavor, good crop, firm, freckles, slightly oblong, only average color. 3 1/8 79 20
11 R5 T91 48P270 WPF -7 Ice Queen:  Heavy crop, good shape, firm, good color on north side, good flavor. 3  1/2 89 15
14 R6 57 16A792 WPC LC -6 Nice flavor, heavy crop, good color, firm, good shape.  Scuff. 3  1/2 89 16
18 R3 T12 6P103 R/R -7 Firm, good flavor but skin is a little sour, nice shape, heavy crop! 2 3/4 70 18
Notes from KO: 7C901 appears to be crowding Majestic Pearl, but it was cut hard for buds, so we still think it is later.
DATE:  July 21, 2021  -10
Plums from Le Grand Reference:  Red Phoenix  1C116  PG/dR  -13
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
Comm 1C116 PG/dR -13 Red Phoenix - Large size, good flavor, good crop. 2  3/4 70 18-21
Exp. 2020 18A1223 gB/vdR -30 4th Look - Heavy crop, excellent flavor, rock firm, medium size, freestone.  Costco Best Flavor.  Still crispy firm - not one soft fruit in 22 days and lots of 105 oF days! 2  7/16 62 28
15 R2 T148 26C386 RY/Y -14 Two-tone coloring, excellent flavor, good crop. 2  3/4 70 20-24
14 R4 T20 54M417 RG/R -13 Heavy crop, mild flavor, heart shape. 2  3/4 70 20
NEW 18A1188 dRG/vdR -12 Excellent flavor, good crop, very firm - black flesh!
"That's why KO is number one!"
2  7/16 62 25
2020 10G650 R/RY PC -12 Good crop, ok flavor, firm, medium size. 2  1/8 54 23-25
NEW 2P568 R/RY PC -12 Good flavor, good crop, ok size, firm. 2  1/2 64 20
NEW 4M952 dR/RO -12 Excellent flavor, medium crop, ok size. 2  1/2 64 23
NEW 12G1198 R/RY PC -10 Giant size for baby graft, only 3 fruits. 3      76 20
19 R2 T164 6M528 GR/R -10 Nice flavor and shape, good crop, ok size. 2  1/2 64 20-22
18 R3 T13 49M1237 R/R -10 Large size, good crop, ok flavor, heart shape. 2  3/4 70 19-22
19 R3 T111 56M511 PG/dR -10 Good crop, tart flavor, ok size, firm. 2  1/2 64 24-26
NEW 68M230 RG/R -10 Good flavor, good crop, ok size, nice shape. 2  1/2 64 22
NEW 4P361 R/R -10 Excellent flavor, ok crop, ok size. 2  1/2 64 22-25
18 R2 T41 47M1076 P/Yring -10 Shown from KO test block last week - Heavy crop, large size, flat round shape, good flavor.  Almost a donut! 2  3/4 70 20
NEW 2P257 RG/R -9 Large size, good flavor, good crop - not good color for KO. 2  3/4 70 21
NEW 68M312 dR/RO -8 Nice flavor, medium crop, very firm.  Great juice and crispiness. 2  5/8 67 22-25
DATE:  July 21, 2021  -10 Reference:  Majestic Pearl 15G222 WNC -14  Snow Princess 1P764 WPF -7
Nectarines & Peaches from Le Grand
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
COMM 15G222 WNC -14 Majestic Pearl:  Heavy crop, nice size, firm, ex.flavor, nice color with a few freckles. 3  1/4 83 20
20 R7 T91 13C256 WNC -8 Preview:  Heavy crop, dark red color with light freckles, great balanced flavor, just after Majestic Pearl. 3  1/8   20
17 R7 T68
17 R4 T177
10C688 YNCSA -22 2nd Look:  Very heavy crop, great size, firm, outstanding color & flavor.  Very slight corking was observed on original tree & KO.  Special Kyle! 3  1/4 83 21
12 R7 T90 28C145 YNCSA -14 Summer Sugarine:  Very heavy crop, huge size, firm, nice color. 3  3/8 86 18
18 R7 T155 58P340 YNCSA -10 Very firm, fantastic sweet flavor, nice shape, average color with quite a few freckles. 3  1/4 83 21
NEW 39M996 YNC -24 2 weeks ago, dark red color, firm, excellent flavor. 3  1/8 79 19
17 R7 T89 7C880 YNC -18 2nd Look:  Standard nectarine with perfect shape, ex.flavor, firm, good color, large size on young tree. 3  1/4 83 18
NEW 39M978 YNC -16 Heavy crop, dark red color, last week, good flavor, firm. 3  1/8 79 17
NEW 45M766 YPFSA -16 Excellent cavity, firm, nice size on small tree, good flavor. 3  3/16   20
NEW 6B121 YPCSA -15 Small tree, heavy crop, perfect shape, nice color, sweet flv. 3  1/8   21
NEW 55P1251 WPF -16 Last Week:  Huge, ex.color, nice flavor, nice shape.  1 week before 48P442. 3  3/8 86 14
COMM 48P442 WPF -15 2nd Look:  Pearl Princess IX - Sweet Snow.  Nice size, firm, good pink to red color, nice freestone, good mild flavor.  Excellent for KO commercially. 3  3/8 86 17