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Viveros Requinoa is the exclusive agent for Bradford Farms in Chile and is authorized to license companies to plant our white flesh and sub-acid varieties on a production based royalty.



Viveros Requinoa

Fundo El Sauce

Casilla 3 Requinoa

Rancagua, Chile


Phone:  011 56 72 656036

Phone:  011 56 72 551916

Fax:  011 56 72 551807


Packing Complex: 

Phone:  011 56 72 481823

Phone:  011 56 72 481839


Santiago Office: 

Victoria Subercaseaux 323

Santiago, Chile


Phone:  011 56 2 6387112

Phone:  011 56 2 6321429

Fax:  011 56  2 6324993
