Rose Bright


Classic Nectarines The Pearls Sub-Acid Yellow Flesh Size & Ripening


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8G292 - USPP 15845

Classic Yellow Flesh Freestone Nectarine

Ripens:  -63, May 23rd, with Rose Diamond


Skin Color:  Full, shiny, dark red with very little freckling.

Chilling Hours:  575

Shape:  Globose with a flat nose.

Bloom Date:  2 Days After Rose Diamond.

Size:  Large, 56’s, 48’s, 64’s in breeding grounds.

Bloom Density:  Average.

Texture:  Very firm.

Blossom Type:  Showy.

Eating Quality:  Good, similar to Diamond Bright.

Cropping:  Good setter.



Rose Bright is a new release that ripens in the Rose Diamond time slot that is very LARGE, FIRM, and shiny, smooth red with very limited freckling.  It stayed firm a week beyond Rose Diamond and is cosmetically superior.  At the original selection sight in the breeding grounds, 75% of the fruit would not go through a 56 ring with a few 42’s.  Also, like Rose Diamond, only a few split pits were observed.