Snow Princess

Classic Peaches White Peaches Sub-Acid Yellow Peach Size & Ripening

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1P764 - USPP 12570

White Flesh Sub-acid Freestone Peach

Ripens: +5, July 29th, Mid Summer Fire Nectarine



Skin Color:  Full Pink to Red

Chilling Hours:  500

Shape:  Perfectly Globose, Flat Suture

Bloom Date:  2 Days Before Spring Bright

Size:  Very Large, Plenty of 40’s and some 30's

Bloom Density:  Very Heavy

Texture:  Firm

Blossom Type:  Large, Showy

Eating Quality:  Very Sweet, 16 Brix

Cropping:  Very Heavy Setter


A freestone white flesh peach that has very large size, perfect round shape, an excellent pit cavity, very good flavor, and good red color, which can be enhanced with minimal summer pruning.  This variety also has lower chilling requirements suitable to the southern part of the San Joaquin Valley, similar to Spring Bright.